Beginner Tutorials
BLOX User Accounts are where BLOX Admin and Normal user accounts are managed. User Groups may also be created for restricting access to specific BLOX applications
Learn how to create and manage both Admin and Normal user accounts.
Learn how to create and manage BLOX User Groups for restricting access to specific BLOX applications and functionality.
Learn how User Reactions can be used to interact between assets and your audience.
Learn how Concurrent Logins can be used to allow users to be logged into a site using the same credentials on multiple machines, such as a work and personal computer.
Learn how Signup Blocking options can be used to prevent users from signing up for a User Account. This can be helpful when problematic users need to be blocked for various reasons.
Learn how to define options relating to user-experience within the Public Profiles panel.
The User Contribution settings within the Community User Accounts panel is where parameters are defined for user contributed content.
Learn how the built-in BLOX user registration form fields can be customized or removed, allowing for a completely unique user registration experience.
User login sessions are perpetual so long as the browser window is not closed. If a user logs in a second time, while the first session is still open, they will be logged out of the first session.
Tracking a user's IP addresses for security
Account lockout after several failed login attempts
If a user is having difficulty logging into their user account and finds using the forgot password workflow challenging, admin users can send an Instant Login link on the user's behalf to allow instant access.
Security is very important to TownNews and BLOX CMS, so we provide a number of options to help users protect their account access from bad actors, including a client trust token mechanism and an optional two-factor authentication method.
To enable two-factor authentication on a BLOX CMS admin account, you must log into their account, and go to the user options in the top-right corner of the admin, and then click on “Account.”
Once two-factor is established for a particular account, it may be necessary to create a password for use with the TotalCMS InDesign plugin. In order to create a password for this service, simply go back to your account and click on “Set up an InDesign password.”
How do I enable SAML within BLOX CMS?
What is SAML 2.0?