BLOX Banner Ads

Ad Regions, sometimes referred to as Ad Positions, are where your Banner Ads will be placed on the page. 

I set a daily impression limit on an ad, but it received more impressions than the limit is set for

Pre-roll Video Ads are ads that will play prior to a Video asset, and post-roll video ads will play in a video asset. The video ad will show in the select video blocks, and on the video asset page itself.

Sticky Ad Positions are positions that work using the BLOX CMS Utility Regions.  These Sticky Ads will stay positioned on the screen until the user scrolls to the end of the article. 

TownNews recommends using a BLOX Form instead of a mailto. You can create a link in the ad go to a form and that form can create a page that sends an email to the address.

The Sticky Article Aside ad block uses a Utility Region to position the ad on the Left Rail of a Story if Related Content is added to the Article Asset (Story). 

Google Ad Manager

Lazy Load is a software feature, when enabled, BLOX will serve lazy loading ads when the ad region becomes viewable on all devices a user views a website on. 

Advanced Automatic Ads for articles is a major change in how article ads are treated and a step towards programmatic control of ad placement. These new settings improve ad viewability and increase CPMs for your site.

This document explains the integration between BLOX "Flex" (responsive design) templates and Google DFP (Doubleclick for Publishers).

Ad Types

Overview of the Banner Ads Manager user interface

The Expandable Ad interface is different from other ad types as it requires the upload of an Original Image and an Expanded Image. It also has fields to manage the expand/collapse actions such as Transition Direction, Transition Speed, Overlay Content, Open at start, and Auto Expand Time Limit.

NOTE: Page curl ads require using a specific page curl region. If this region is not active on your site you may need to submit a ticket to Customer Service to request it be activated.

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